About us
Trust and relationship satisfaction, quality and growth, professionalism and correctness.
These are the basic principles that guide all our employees in their daily work. We try to make our partners recognize them when performing services. The beginnings of our company date back to 1996. We started modestly, and we have come to where we are today by following our basic principles and building a company culture. Experience so far, as well as our business partners and users confirm that we were right. We continue on this path, becoming bigger and better.
We trust you. Trust us too.
Schaubach Dejan

Customers / Month

Parks 1
Parks 1, podjetje za upravljanje z garažnimi hišami, poslovnimi objekti in varovanje premoženja d.o.o.
Vilharjeva cesta 27, 1000 Ljubljana
+386 (0)1 58 97 860
- VAT ID: SI 97060194
- Reg. number: 5926068000